Discover our special selection of products for pizzerias such as pizza ovens, rolling pins, dough kneaders and more. Our products help you prepare delicious, crispy pizzas that your customers will love again and again. Choose quality and authenticity in your pizza with our pizzeria products.


Discover the precision and ease of use of our dough press!
This versatile and efficient dough press is an essential tool in any professional kitchen where pizzas are made. With its adjustable thickness from 1 to 15 mm, you can effortlessly create pizza bases that meet your exact specifications, from thin, crispy bases to thicker variations. The heated top plate and the aluminum non-stick plate ensure that the dough is worked smoothly and won't stick, combining consistency and speed in the preparation process. The round pressing plate, with a diameter of 457 mm, provides ample space for making large pizza bases.
Key features:
- Adjustable thickness (1-15 mm): Full control over the thickness of the pizza base.
- Heated top plate: Softens the dough for optimal handling.
- Aluminum non-stick plate: Prevents dough from sticking and makes cleaning easier.
- Round pressing plate (18"): Perfect for large pizza bases.
Whether you're an artisan pizza maker or running a busy kitchen, this dough press will elevate your dough preparation to the next level. Perfect for creating pizza bases that always impress. With its robust design and practical features, this dough press is a valuable addition to pizzerias, restaurants, and bakeries.
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